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Availability & Booking

We offer 2 methods of booking your holiday at Dyer's Cottage. Choose Bookalet to book online or the traditional method to book with us by phone on 01494 580270 or 07359 200053

Availability & Booking

Although you may find us listed on a few online travel agents websites, we much prefer our guests to #BookDirect. You could save yourself a ‘service’ fee of between 10% and 18%. It may be advantageous to book a week rather than a 5/6 day stay too as we are able to offer a weekly discount.

In order to encourage more guests to #BookDirect, we are offering a slightly earlier check-in time of 15.30 and a slightly later check-out time of 10.30 to our #BookDirect guests.

     ( Credit cards, except Amercian Express, are accepted when using this secure Bookalet system)


     (Please note that bookings by this method are not confirmed until payment by BACS has been received)


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