Christmas Morning Service on BBC1 live from Halifax Minster at 10.15 on December 25th

Halifax Minster, previously known as the church of St John the Baptist, welcomes everyone to the live recording of its Christmas service which will be broadcast on BBC1 at 10.15 on December 25th. This is a tremendous honour for the church clergy and its parishioners. Please arrive early as the doors will open at 08.45 followed by a warm-up and rehearsal before the broadcast. For security reasons bags may be searched on entry. The doors will close earlier than 09.30, when all congregation has to be seated, if the church is full.

The service will begin at 10.15 and features the Minster choir accompanied by the organist and Hammonds Band from Saltaire. The bishop of Huddersfield, the Right Reverend Smitha Prasadam, will be the preacher. The service will be broadcast for an hour but if Holy Communion has not finished, the service will continue without the cameras.